Sunday, January 25, 2009

Home Alone

I was thinking the other day, how I never seem to get time alone, in my own house. How many of us actually get that kind of alone time. I can go shopping, or to a Mom's night out and that gives me "alone" time, but to get some quiet time, all to myself in my own house is a rare thing. What if I want to eat cheetos, naked on the couch, Nope can't do it. What about surrounding myself with pillows, popcorn and a good movie, Nope can't do it. There is always somebody, usually a little voice, trying to get my attention for something important, like "what happened to all the cheetos?" I think I would like 1 day a month, even for just a few hours, to get some "ME" time in my own home. If I can just get the rest of the family to GET OUT

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